What's all the fuss about jade eggs? Super special offer!

I am so excited to be sharing a special new offer! I’ve been talking about this thing called a jade egg and telling everyone, well, all the women I know, they should get one forever, but although I’ve been using it for years, until now I haven’t felt ready to teach it.

Jade egg practice comes from ancient China from the Taoist tradition, where it was used a spiritual practice to enhance sexual health and vitality. It is a small egg made of our of jade gemstone that you do pelvic floor exercises, like yoga, with.

It is an amazing tool for women for energy, aliveness, sexiness and confidence. It’s not an easy gig being female in my opinion, and any secret weapon that make me feel amazing and lucky to be a woman is something I want to share far and wide.

And if you feel nervous about the whole idea, you should join me even more because I know how you feel and I’ve got you!

I am offering a 5 week jade egg basics course for 5 women starting Sunday, July 1, 2018. We are starting in a few weeks time so everyone has time for their eggs to arrive.

As an additional special offer, if you sign up for one of the 2 spots for private coaching I have open for this month, you get the course, and your egg, for free!

You will receive:

  • A weekly live practice session of one hour where you will learn a simple practice that you can keep forever to use anytime (these are a safe, private space and actually lots of fun!)
  • A weekly playlist you can use for your own practice
  • A premium quality jade egg shipped to you
  • Unlimited support in between sessions

Practicing with a jade egg is a holistic practice, benefiting your entire system.

Benefits - physical:

Increased sensitivity and orgasmic potential (you’ll never have to ask ‘is it in yet?” again)

Improved health of the whole pelvic area - hormonal balancing and muscle tone, good at any time and especially after having a baby

Supercharge your energy levels

Connect you to your body and sensuality

Benefits - energetic:

  • One of THE BEST healing tools I have seen and experienced for releasing trauma, conditioning and unpleasant memories
  • Builds deep appreciation, connection and love for your body

The investment:

I already have a jade egg

$250 USD

Get me the course AND a premium quality jade egg! (Additional $73 for the egg plus shipping)

$320 USD




Can it get lost?

No, it physically can’t get lost and you also use it with a string, so you can easily remove it like a tampon

Is it safe?

Used correctly (ie, basic hygiene) it is completely safe

Can you use it when pregnant?

No, unfortunately it’s not suitable for pregnancy

I’ll answer these, and many more in the sessions and I will do a live Q&A this weekend too so feel free to ask me anything!

If you’re keen or want to know more, hit reply to this email! I will be touching on this in my newsletter but won’t be sending more emails specifically about this except to those who opt in to the list.

Lots of love
