Sometimes life sucks! 3 ways to feel better fast

Blame it on the lunar eclipse, blame it on life, a  lot of people around me seem to be having a tough time and I wanted to respond to that. If you are struggling right now, or someone you care about is - these are for you. 

Sometimes life sucks! Sometimes it's really hard.

And that not because you fucked something up or you weren't good enough... Sometimes shit just happens.

There's no avoiding tough times in life. We can't get to the light without going through the tunnel and sometimes it's a mother-friggin horrible tunnel. But there are things we can do to get through it with less suffering and faster.

3 Things To Do When You’re Struggling

1.    Get a project

You can pick anything – getting fit, running a race, writing a short story… Finding something to focus on that will give you a sense of progress and excitement for the future is powerful.

2.    Treat yourself like someone you love

If someone you cared about (friend, partner, sister, brother, even a pet) was suffering, how would you treat them? What would you say to them, encourage them to do, and do for them? Write it down (so you have it at hand as a reminder) and then do it for yourself!

3.    Remember, this too shall pass

When life sucks it tends to feel like we’re going to be stuck feeling like this forever. But the truth is everything changes, whether we are having an amazing time or a shitty one.

These are not a definitive answer or a cure for pain, but they are some things I've seen in my own life and many, many times with others that can help to shift things. I hope it helps.

Lots of love
