Weekend love and virtual escapes
/I have a very exciting announcement to make about some upcoming events, but first, let’s take a collective deep breath and be happy the weekend is almost here.
What’s not to like about weekends? When I can, I try and have at least one day a week where I don’t schedule anything, I put aside my devices and connect with myself and other people.
Whether I’ve been out late with friends the night before, or spent the evening alone watch Netflix on the couch, I sleep in on Sundays and let the day unfold at it’s own pace form there.
I also take this day off from my yoga practice. Not because my practice is ‘work’ but because our bodies and brains work best when we give them variety and a rest between exertion. Generally, because I am pretty active, I’ll feel drawn in to doing some sort of movement like a walk or bike ride, but I don’t require it of myself.
In the same way as I look forward to my sleep in and weekend brunches (at a café or I make awesome eggs), taking a day off soothes and rejuvenates me. When I miss it, I feel disconnected from myself and like I am playing catch up all the time.
But sometimes it’s not so easy to get a day like this. It might have been a long time since you had a day to do whatever you feel like on a whim.
That’s why I create these mini retreats for you! Come away for a half day that will leave you with a feeling of perspective and peace as though you just had a holiday, a thorough workout, a massage and a nap.
And now for my exciting news. I am putting together a series of virtual retreats for you! These will be retreats you can take part in live, wherever you are in the world, or later via recording.
But for now, enjoy the weekend, take super good care of yourself and I'll see you soon.