Merry Christmas!
/Merry Christmas everyone!
Wow, so much has happened in the last couple of months. Is it just me, or was 2016 a big year?! Highlights for me have been
o Ran a women’s mini retreat each season in Brisbane and Melbourne
o Ran 5 workshops on topics including yoga, nutrition and meditation
o Ran my first online virtual women’s retreat
o Booked out for working with private clients for yoga lessons and wellness coaching
o Taught over 300 yoga classes!
I also went on a yoga teacher’s business retreat in Thailand, workshopped with one of my yoga heroes, Kathryn Budig, in Sydney, attended a Tony Robbins conference, joined a Public Speakers Academy, and signed up to study with the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. Yes, really!
I’ve also had some unexpected health challenges which have tested my understanding of self care and wellness and seen me recommit to uncompromising standards for rest, lifestyle and diet.
It’s been fun, mad, challenging and deeply fulfilling. Sometimes it has felt like everything is going too fast and other times like it’s at a standstill. But it’s all led to some very exciting developments I’ll be nurturing into reality over the Christmas break.
In the mean time take great care of yourselves and I wish you a peaceful and joy filled Christmas and holiday season.
Lots of love